Before the Summer Break


We had two meetings in July. At the first,  a visiting speaker from the cancer alliance covering the old North Trent Network area sought our involvement in an event at the end of the month. Patient involvement is needed in a review of the patient pathway. Our members contributed to a similar review in the East Midlands network.

For our concluding social  evening we organised a Summer Meal, which attracted a record number of attendees. We were delighted to see our Treasurer, Pam Gill, who for two years has been fighting cancer. She receives services from Ashgate Hospice and to thank them she took part in a recent sponsored event. She cannot walk far so some of her journey required a wheelchair. We were delighted to make a donation to the funds she raised. (Pictures can be seen in the gallery page.)

A few days later we were very sorry to learn of the passing of Barry Godfrey.  In his time as a member he had generously supported our work in many ways. (See the “In Memoriam” page)