Head and Neck Cancer Awareness


On Tuesday we organised a coffee morning as part of the European Head and Neck Cancer Awareness Week. (Double click to enlarge the photo)There was a good turnout of patients and the public and we raised over £200, which will be split between HNChelp and NALC,

Across South Yorkshire and North Derbyshire a Be Cancer Safe campaign is being conducted to encourage early consultation with a GP when symptoms occur. In our locality Derbyshire Voluntary Action is delivering this work. They joined us at our event and one outcome will be the production of new public information resources about head and neck cancer.

It was a terrific end to a week when we had also had a meeting with the East Midlands Cancer Alliance, who were seeking our opinions and experiences of the head and neck pathway, which is under review. The week included a relaxing social evening and we welcomed several new members.

European Head and Neck Week

We have  planned a Coffee Morning for European Head and Neck Cancer Awareness Week for Tuesday 18th September. The location is the Eyre Chapel, at the back of The Nags Head in Newbold. Doors open at 10-00am.  As well as raising awareness we will be fundraising  for our group and NALC. There will be plenty of home baking for immediate consumption or to take home, a raffle and Thornton’s chocolates in return for a donation!

Members of the local BeCancerSafe campaign will be with us and will help continue the work beyond the awareness week.