The events of recent days have confirmed any doubts that Coronavirus is with us for some time ahead. Around Europe, infections rates have increased following relaxations in restrictions and travelling abroad from the UK carries the risk of quarantine at short notice on return.
Patients who have developed cancer will have been disadvantaged by the restrictions on seeing a GP and the fear of going to a hospital and being infected with Covid 19. My local hospital has just reported having no Covid patients for the first time in many months. Hopefully this will encourage patients to seek investigation and treatment without delay.
I have recently provided peer support to a patient facing a laryngectomy. This was not possible in the way I have done this for over ten years, with face to face meetings being too risky. At the invitation of Chesterfield Royal Hospital the meeting took place online. This, I am sure, will be our way of working in the foreseeable future, and it worked well!
HNChelp meetings cannot take place, as usual, in an indoor venue. Next month we have planned an outdoor meeting (see the meetings page) when we will be holding a gathering within the current guidelines. We are looking forward to sharing experiences and giving mutual support once more. All we need is some good weather on the day!